• Get the Facts About Xofigo

    Xofigo (radium-223 dichloride) is a type of cancer treatment that may be appropriate for some men with advanced prostate cancer. Xofigo is an injectable medication that works by binding with the minerals in the bones. This allows the drug to precisely target the delivery of radiation to tumors in the bones. If you’ve been undergoing treatment for prostate cancer, consider talking to a urologist about whether Xofigo could be right for you.

    Evaluating Whether Xofigo is Right for You

    Xofigo isn’t right for every patient with prostate cancer. However, you may be a candidate if you have metastatic castration-resistant cancer that has spread to your bones, but has not spread to other tissues. In other words, good candidates for Xofigo have prostate cancer that has demonstrated resistance to treatment with medical or surgical treatments that are intended to lower testosterone.

    Receiving Xofigo Treatments

    Xofigo is not available in pill form. It is administered as a slow intravenous injection into a vein at a urology clinic or similar facility. If your doctor recommends that you receive Xofigo, you can expect to go to the clinic once per month for a dosage. You may receive a maximum of six dosages. The total dosage and specific schedule your doctor recommends will depend on factors such as your general health and weight.

    Caring for Your Wellness

    During your cancer treatment, it’s important to follow your urologist’s instructions carefully. You’ll be informed of the side effects that you may experience and you’ll learn which symptoms warrant a call to the clinic. Because Xofigo is an internal form of radiation , it’s crucial that you exercise caution in keeping your body fluids from coming into contact with anyone else. Patients may also be advised to drink plenty of fluids each day, minimize the risk of infection and bleeding, and maintain strict bathroom hygiene.

    Urology Associates, P.C. offers surgical and medical cancer treatment in Nashville, including Xofigo and Provenge for men with advanced prostate cancer. Our urology team is dedicated to providing compassionate, respectful care within a comfortable environment. If you’ve been diagnosed with prostate cancer, bladder cancer, erectile dysfunction, or similar conditions, you can give us a call at (888) 329-7700.

  • A Woman’s Guide to Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

    It’s perfectly normal for women and men to experience occasional declines in sexual desire. Sometimes, this is due to a physical issue, such as a UTI, or it may have psychological roots. However, some women who consistently have little interest in sex may have female hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). If you believe that you may have HSDD, you can consult a urologist regarding ways of improving your sexual health .

    Diagnostic Criteria

    First, the urologist will ask you about your symptoms. Women with HSDD have little or no interest in sexual activity, including self-stimulation. However, HSDD is only diagnosed when the individual is also distressed by the lack of sexual desire. In other words, a patient could have a very low sex drive, but not have sexual dysfunction as long as she isn’t bothered by her low libido. There is no specific test that can confirm a diagnosis of HSDD. However, the urologist may perform exams and tests to rule out possible physical causes of a low libido. For example, the doctor might recommend a pelvic exam and blood tests.

    Possible Causes

    Sexual desire is a complex matter that can be influenced by many factors. Some women may develop HSDD because of sexual health problems, such as pain during intercourse or thinning of the vaginal tissues. Certain diseases can interfere with libido, including diabetes, cancer, arthritis, and neurological conditions.

    Treatment Options

    If the urologist can identify underlying causes of HSDD , then treating those issues may resolve the problem. The urologist might also recommend hormone therapy or Addyi (flibanserin). Addyi is a libido-boosting drug recently approved by the FDA.

    If you feel you may have some form of female sexual dysfunction in Nashville, you can find the help you need at the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health (WISH) at Urology Associates, P.C. Our team of sexual health specialists understands that it can be difficult for women to discuss sexual dysfunction, which is why we’ve made it our mission to provide compassionate care within a supportive and nurturing setting. Take control of your sexual health by calling us today at (888) 329-7700.

  • Spotlight on Advanced Robotic Surgery

    The term “robotic surgery” is somewhat of a misnomer because the surgeon, rather than the equipment, is in charge throughout the procedure. With robotic surgery, a urologist can perform complex, minimally invasive procedures. Unlike traditional laparoscopic surgery; however, the urologist also has the benefit of superior 3D visualization and a full range of movement of the surgical instruments.

    To hear more about this advancement in urologic surgeries, watch this interview with Dr. Matt Hassan of Urology Associates, P.C. He explains how the technology works and describes some of the conditions he can treat with robot-assisted surgery, including prostate cancer and kidney cancer.

    If you have kidney or bladder problems, erectile dysfunction, or similar health issues, you can schedule a consultation with a urologist at Urology Associates, P.C. by calling (888) 329-7700. Our center for sexual health in Nashville features state-of-the-art medical technology for urologic conditions .

  • Prostate Cancer Awareness Infographic

  • Are You a Candidate for Robotic Surgery?

    Robotic Surgery Generally, a urologist will recommend non-invasive treatment options to treat urologic conditions. However, some patients may require surgery. These may include those with kidney or prostate cancer, adrenal tumors, ureteral blockage, pelvic organ prolapse, and vesicovaginal fistula. Whenever possible, surgeons generally prefer to perform minimally invasive surgeries, such as with robot-assisted technology. Minimally invasive surgery offers many benefits, including a shorter recovery time and a reduced risk of complications. However, not everyone is a good candidate for robotic surgery.

    Some of the contraindications for robotic surgery include severe obesity, bowel obstruction, and an inability to tolerate general anesthesia. Additionally, it may not be recommended for patients with severe pulmonary or cardiac disease, cirrhosis, peritoneal adhesions, or an uncorrectable bleeding tendency.

    At Urology Associates, P.C., our surgeons are highly skilled in minimally invasive techniques, including robotic surgery. If you’ve been diagnosed with kidney stones or prostate cancer in Nashville, call our office at (888) 329-7700. We also provide treatment for individuals with erectile dysfunction and urinary tract infections.

  • Understanding Penile Rehabilitation After Cancer Treatment

    Typically, patients find that when they undergo cancer treatment, they must cope with lasting side effects. This is particularly true of men with prostate cancer who undergo a prostatectomy. A prostatectomy is a surgery to remove part or all of the prostate gland. Although this type of cancer treatment can be effective for extending a man’s longevity, it carries a high risk of erectile dysfunction (ED). Fortunately, there are treatment options available for men with ED. A urologist can design a penile rehabilitation program for men who have undergone prostatectomies.

    Low Testosterone Treatment
    The urologist may recommend doing some lab tests to determine if the patient has low testosterone levels. If so, treating low T can be helpful in overcoming erectile dysfunction. There are many options for treating low testosterone, including topical gels, implantable pellets, and self-administered injections. These are known as testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) products.

    Understanding Penile Rehabilitation After Cancer Treatment Oral Medications
    For many men, oral medications are effective in preserving sexual health after a prostatectomy . Some oral medications include sildenafil, vardenafil, avanafil, and tadalafil. These medications work by boosting the effects of nitric oxide. This is a chemical that relaxes muscles to improve blood circulation, which enables men to get an erection when sexually aroused. Men should be careful to follow the dosage instructions carefully, since they can vary from drug to drug. Before taking any new medications, it’s advisable to consult the physician about the possible side effects.

    Intra-Urethral Suppositories
    Intra-urethral suppositories are another option to treat ED after a prostatectomy. This involves placing the medication directly into the opening that is located at the tip of the penis. The medication, alprostadil, triggers the expansion of the blood vessels. The increased blood flow helps men get and maintain an erection.

    At the Men’s Health Clinic at Urology Associates, P.C ., men will find a comprehensive range of healthcare services for sexual health in Nashville. Our urology team can design a penile rehabilitation program to help you cope with erectile dysfunction after prostate cancer. Contact our state-of-the-art clinic at (888) 329-7700 and let us know how we can help you.

  • A Closer Look at Cryoablation Therapy

    Cryoablation therapy, also known as cryosurgery, is a minimally invasive treatment that may be recommended for patients with prostate cancer. Additionally, some patients with kidney cancer may be good candidates for this type of cancer treatment. When you watch this video, you’ll hear Dr. Robert Barnett explain how cryoablation is used for cancer treatment.

    Dr. Barnett of Urology Associates, P.C. explains how cryoprobes, which are special needles, are inserted directly into the cancerous tissue. Sometimes, this is accomplished with CT guidance. Then, the cancerous tissue is frozen in a controlled manner. This procedure may sometimes be performed with only a local anesthetic.

    You can schedule a consultation with a urologist at Urology Associates, P.C. by calling (888) 329-7700. In addition to cancer treatment in Nashville, we provide a full range of healthcare services for individuals with incontinence, erectile dysfunction, and related conditions.

  • Answering Common Questions About the MonaLisa Touch Procedure

    Questions about Mona Lisa Touch

    Women who are experiencing sexual health issues while going through menopause previously had few treatment options. Hormone replacement therapy or estrogen creams aren’t suitable for every woman and healthcare providers typically don’t recommend hormone treatment on a long-term basis, given the health risks. Now, there’s a new option for women with vaginal atrophy or vaginal dryness. The MonaLisa Touch procedure is a minimally invasive, painless treatment that can help women resolve their symptoms.

    Who Can Benefit from this Procedure?
    Any woman who is diagnosed with vaginal atrophy may benefit from the MonaLisa Touch procedure. Vaginal atrophy is commonly associated with menopause. However, it may also occur in women with hormonal changes due to breastfeeding or breast cancer. This condition is characterized by the inflammation of the vaginal walls , along with thinning and dryness. Many women with vaginal atrophy suffer from painful intercourse and painful urination.

    How Does It Work?
    The MonaLisa Touch procedure involves the insertion of a laser tip into the vagina. It will feel similar to the annual pelvic exam and Pap test; however, it only takes about five minutes. The device delivers pulses of laser energy to the vagina to stimulate the production of collagen.

    How Many Treatments Will I Need?
    Women who are good candidates for the MonaLisa Touch procedure typically undergo three sessions, which are spaced six weeks apart. Following this initial treatment, women can schedule a once per year treatment session with their urologist to ensure that they stay symptom-free.

    How Soon Will I Notice Results?
    Many women who undergo this innovative treatment report feeling immediate relief of the symptoms of vaginal dryness. Even if relief of symptoms isn’t immediate, women almost always experience results by the second treatment session.

    If you have any other questions about the MonaLisa Touch procedure, contact our WISH clinic , Women’s Institute for Sexual Health a division of Urology Associates, P.C., at (615)250-9265. Our urology team offers compassionate and confidential diagnostic and therapeutic services for sexual health in Nashville. We also provide treatment options for patients with erectile dysfunction, kidney stones, and bladder cancer.

  • Addyi Approved by the FDA!

  • Join Vikki Pedigo of Urology Associates for a Webinar!

    Urology Associates is happy to announce that our very own Vikki Pedigo will be participating in a webinar with Pearl Point Cancer Support.

    Women’s reproductive cancers and treatment may cause side effects including fatigue, sexual dysfunction, and digestive issues. Join Vikki F. Pedigo, MSN, WHNP-BC, Nurse Practitioner at the Women’s Institute for Sexual Health in Nashville, TN to explore strategies and techniques to help you manage the side effects of reproductive cancers. Margaret Martin RD, MS, LDN, CDE Nutrition Educator at PearlPoint Cancer Support will also provide tips and suggestions for controlling digestive issues, combating fatigue, and maintaining a healthier weight.

    The webinar will take place on Wednesday, August 19 th from 11:00am-12:00pm Central time anyone who wants to listen in can register by clicking the link below.

    Register for Webinar