What Are the Most Common Causes of Difficult Urination?

Difficult urination occurs when it is hard to start the flow of urine or to maintain it. This is also referred to as urinary hesitancy. This condition is most common in older men, but it can happen to anyone, at any age. There is a number of different potential causes for urinary hesitancy, and it’s important to work with your urologist to pinpoint the trigger for your symptoms. Hesitancy can lead to serious complications, including urinary retention, when left untreated. Here is a look at some of the most common causes of difficult urination.  

Enlarged Prostate 

For men, an enlarged prostate is a very common cause of urinary hesitancy. When the prostate gland becomes enlarged, it puts pressure on the nearby prostatic urethra. As a result, it can be difficult for the flow of urine to begin, or, once it is started, to continue until the bladder is empty. There are a number of different treatments you urologist can use to address an enlarged prostate, including medication and surgery.  

Nerve Damage         

If nerve damage occurs in the urinary tract, the flow of urine can be affected. This damage can occur as the result of trauma, such as giving birth, or it can be a complication of an illness, including spinal cord infections and diabetes. People with multiple sclerosis frequently experience difficult urination that is linked to nerve damage.  


Paruresis, or shy bladder syndrome, is a rare, psychological cause of difficult urination. It occurs when people are unable to urinate in places in which they fear others may present. Some people only experience paruresis in specific situations, such as in a public restroom, while others may experience it with more regularity.  

If you think you are suffering from the symptoms of difficult urination, make an appointment at Urology Associates, P.C. Our urologists can find the cause of your symptoms so you can the treatment you need. For more information about our urology services in Nashville, call (855) 901-1338.